Call for Abstract

2nd European Conference on Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety , will be organized around the theme ““COVID-19 Challenges for Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety“”

Euro Pharmacovigilance 2020 is comprised of 15 tracks and 49 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Pharmacovigilance 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Pharmacovigilance is the science and exercises identifying with the discovery, evaluation, comprehension and counteractive action of unfavourable impacts or some other pharmaceutical related issue. The main aim of pharmacovigilance is to provide complete and clear information related to drug safety and the several risks and benefits associated with them. Pharmacovigilance can help in providing information about unintended and severe adverse events which could not be provided by clinical trials involving in-vivo method.

To know more details visit the link:  Pharmacovigilance Conference

  • Track 1-1Regulatory Aspects
  • Track 1-2Drug Safety Services & Software’s
  • Track 1-3Significance of pharmacovigilance
  • Track 1-4Pharmacovigilance and healthcare system
  • Track 1-5Pharmacovigilance legislation
  • Track 1-6Adverse Event Reporting
Clinical trials which show medical approaches work best for certain illnesses or groups of people. Clinical trials related to drugs. They are the primary way that researchers find out if a new treatment, like a new drug or diet or medicinal device is safe and effective in people. Clinical trials advance through four phases to test a treatment, find the appropriate dosage, and look for side effects. Often a clinical trial is used to learn if a new treatment is more effective and/or has less harmful side effects than the standard treatment.
To know more details visit the link: Pharmacovigilance Europe Conference
  • Track 2-1Recent clinical trials on AIDS
  • Track 2-2Mechanism of adverse drug reactions
  • Track 2-3Pre-Clinical Testing
Risk management is a systematic approach to identifying, assessing and understanding, acting on, and communicating risk issues. All drugs have risks associated with their use, including adverse reactions, interactions between drugs, and the risk that the product may not work as effectively as expected a proactive approach to risk management of drug safety is dynamic throughout the whole life-cycle of a medicinal product.
To know more details visit the link: Drug Safety Conferences
  • Track 3-1Implementation of Risk Minimization Plans
  • Track 3-2Significant changes to Marketing Authorisation
  • Track 3-3Significant changes to Marketing Authorisation
  • Track 3-4Significant changes to Marketing Authorisation
Pharmacovigilance, as defined by the World Health Organization, comprises the science and activities relating to the detection, assessment, understanding, and prevention of adverse effects and other drug-related problems. The aim of pharmacovigilance developments to collect information about various broad aspects of medicinal product safety. These aspects are listed in the guidance file on good pharmacovigilance practices of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The revenue of this market is projected to growth at CAGR of 13% during the forecast period.
To know more details visit the link:  Pharmacovigilance Conference
  • Track 4-1Pharmacovigilance and healthcare system
Drug safety relates to the potential for adverse effects related to the administration of drugs. Efforts to establish the safely profile of drugs begin early in their development, with in vitro and in vivo toxicity testing, and continue through clinical trials leading up to drug approval and following approval in specific post-marketing studies or general pharmacovigilance efforts.
To know more details visit the link: Drug Safety Conferences
  • Track 5-1Drug Safety Surveillance
  • Track 5-2Drug Safety Reporting & Monitoring
  • Track 5-3Drug Safety Reporting & Monitoring
Drug absorption is a pharmacokinetic parameter that refers to the way a drug is absorbed from a pharmaceutical formulation into the bloodstream. Drugs may be either weak acids or bases that exist in both ionized and non-ionized forms in the body. Drug in the non-ionized form is adequately soluble in membrane lipids and can cross cell membranes. The rate of absorption depends upon the ratio of the 2 forms at a particular site and is also a factor in circulation and elimination.
To know more details visit the link:  Pharmacovigilance Conference
  • Track 6-1Pseudo-equilibrium
  • Track 6-2Mass Balance Approaches
  • Track 6-3Dynamic Models
Nano pharmaceuticals offer the ability to detect diseases at much earlier stages and the diagnostic applications could build upon conventional procedures using nanoparticles .Nano pharmaceuticals are colloidal particles of 10 to 1,000 nano meters (1 micron) in size. They are widely used in drug delivery. Nano pharmaceutical reduces the cost of drug discovery, design & development and enhances the drug delivery process. As a result, the properties of nano materials are fundamentally different from those of their macroscopic/ bulk analogues due to an increased surface area and quantum effects. Nanomedicine for blood disorders
To know more details visit the link: Pharmaceutical Conferences
  • Track 7-1Nanodrugs for herbal medicines and cosmetics
  • Track 7-2Nano engineered drugs
  • Track 7-3Advantages of nanopharmaceuticals
  • Track 7-4Advantages of nanopharmaceuticals
Adverse drug reactions can be considered a form of toxicity .toxicity is most commonly applied to effects of over absorption. For information on toxicity of specific drugs see the table Symptoms and Treatment of Specific Toxins. Adverse drug reactions are usually classified as mild, moderate, lethal (see table Classification of Adverse Drug Reactions [ADRs]. Severe or lethal ADRs may be specifically mentioned in black box notices in the physician prescribing information provided by the manufacturer.
To know more details visit the link: Drug Safety Conferences
  • Track 8-1Life-threatening
  • Track 8-2Assessing and reporting adverse drug reactions
  • Track 8-3Classification of various adverse drug reactions
Drug tolerance is revealing of drug use but is not necessarily associated with drug dependence or addiction. The process of tolerance development is reversible that can involve both physiological factors and psychological factors. Drug tolerance should not be disordered with drug tolerability, which refers to the grade to which over adverse effects of a drug can be tolerated by a patient.
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  • Track 9-1Behavioral tolerance
  • Track 9-2Pharmacodynamic tolerance
  • Track 9-3Drug tolerance mechanism
Biopharmaceutics is a main branch in pharmaceutical sciences which relates between the physicochemical properties of a drug in dosage form and the toxicology, pharmacology or clinical response observed after its administration. It is not sufficient to know what the drug does to the body and it is also vital to know what the body does to the drug. The knowledge of the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of the drug.
To know more details visit the link: Pharmaceutical Conferences
  • Track 10-1Biopharmaceutics and drug disposition
  • Track 10-2Pharmacokinetics of drugs
  • Track 10-3Efficacy of drug products
Good Pharmacovigilance Practices (GVP) begins with the acquisition of complete information from spontaneous adverse event reports. Good Pharmacovigilance Practice and Pharmacoepidemiology in Risk Management is mainly to increase the probability of beneficial effects of a drug in a population than the probability of adverse effects The pharmacovigilance and clinical trials services providing corporations ought to have the Pharmacovigilance certification.
To know more details visit the link: Pharmacovigilance Conference
  • Track 11-1Good reporting practices
  • Track 11-2Interpreting safety signals
Regulatory affairs experts play a significant role in communication between their company and different regulatory bodies such as the FDA, Singapore HSA, etc. We provide a wide range of regulatory affairs services, including assessing and repayment, to our client. There are several Regulatory Affairs departments depending upon the countries within ever growing pace of companies. Global Harmonization in standards has led to consistent approach in regulatory submissions and hence its review.
To know more details visit the link: Pharmacovigilance Conference
  • Track 12-1Food, drug and cosmetic laws
  • Track 12-2Regulatory Authorities
  • Track 12-3Generic drug submissions
  • Track 12-4Regulatory Guidelines
Pharmacoepidemiology combines clinical pharmacology with epidemiology. Pharmacology is the study of the effects of medicines in humans. It affects to using pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a patient to predict the drug effect on a patient. Pharmacoepidemiologists also conduct safety training of drug use in large populations. They are attentive in common, predictable adverse drug reactions as well as the uncommon and unpredictable ones.
To know more details visit the link: Pharmaceutical Conferences
  • Track 13-1Pharmacoeconomics
  • Track 13-2Biopharmaceuticals process validation
  • Track 13-3Role of pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology in risk management
Regulatory Affairs department is constantly evolving and growing and is the one which is least impacted during the Acquisition and Merger, and also during recession. The global Pharmacovigilance market and Business opportunity was valued at USD 2,408.0 million in 2013 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.6% during the forecast period. Phase III clinical trials market was the second largest and was valued at over USD 750.0 million in 2013.
To know more details visit the link: Drug Safety Conferences
  • Track 14-1Career Growth in PV Consulting
  • Track 14-2Pharmacovigilance software Development Companies
  • Track 14-3Business Opportunities for PV Software Developing Companies
Pharmaceutical toxicology lies on the margin of the toxicology and drug discovery, and includes all the research about harmful effects and safety of medicines in relation to the therapeutic benefits. In adding and determination of the direct effect of the potential drug on the functioning of cells, tissues and organisms. Toxicologists can use computer models and in vivo tests to understand whether metabolism body is likely to affect the toxicity of the drug.
To know more details visit the link: Pharmaceutical Conferences
  • Track 15-1Safety assessment of pharmaceuticals
  • Track 15-2Safety Sciences of Drugs
  • Track 15-3Immunotoxicity
  • Track 15-4Biomedical Analysis